Формування врожаю сої залежно від технологічних елементів вирощування в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу України

Summarizing the results of the research it was established that better conditions of damping for period of sowing appear for the plowing as the main soil cultivation. The bigger stock of moisture of the both soil cultivation accrues on the hon-fertilized variants, whereas the increasing of the norms of fertilizer leads to its reduction. It is approved the positive influence of mineral nutrition and before-sowing seed processing with ryzobofit for the formation of the indicators of the individual productivity of soya plants and conversely their reduction for the formation of plowing changing as the main soil cultivation with the surface soil. However, they achieved the maximum increasing for the making N45P45K45 and the before-sowing seed processing with ryzobofit. Analyzing the indicators of soya seed crop capacity it is established that among the еxperienced indicators (the main soil cultivation, fertilization) the biggest influence for the formation of soya seed harvest has the fertilization with the combining with before-sowing seed processing and on the second place is the way of the main soil cultivation. The maximum soya harvest (2,98 t/ha that is 1,5 t/ha more comparing with the control) in the conditions of Right- Bank Steppe was received on the background of plowing when making N45P45K45 and in the condition of before-sowing processing of seed with ryzobofit.
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