Diallel analysis of the morphoagronomic, phytochemical, and antioxidant traits in Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum

Capsicum baccatum is one of the main chili peppers cultivated in South America. However, most studies on genetics and breeding have focused on C. annuum, and not C. baccatum. To gain more insights into C. baccatum genetics and breeding, this work estimated the combinatorial abilities of dedo-de-moca-type chili peppers (C. baccatum var. pendulum) in relation to morphoagronomic and biochemical traits, determined the genetic action involved in the expression of these traits, and identified the superior hybrid combinations. Crosses among the five genotypes in a full diallel mating design resulted in 20 F1 hybrids. Morphoagronomic, phytochemical, and antioxidant data were obtained, and Griffing’s diallel model was used to estimate the general and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA, respectively) as well as the reciprocal effect (RE). High diversity was observed for all traits among the parents and hybrids. Significant effects of GCA, SCA, and RE were also detected for the majority of traits, indicating that additive, non-additive, and cytoplasmic effects are involved in the genetic control of these traits. The non-additive effects were predominant for most traits, and the ‘BRS Mari’ × ‘Mexicali’ and ‘BRS Mari’ × ‘Hortivale’ hybrids were the most promising in terms of their yield per plant and their biochemical traits.
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