Cytomegalovirus Infection in Low-Birth-Weight Infants with Acute Respiratory Tract Disease

TAZAWA, Y., YAMADA, M., ITO, K., NAKAE, S., HAYAMIZU, S., TAMAOKI, K., CHIBA, R. and NUMAZAKI, Y. Cytomegalovirus Infection in Low-Birth-Weight Infants with Acute Respiratory Tract Disease. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1989, 158 (3), 221-226-To determine a participation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in acute respiratory tract disease (ARTD) of low-birth-weight (LBW) infants, specific antibodies against CMV antigens, IgG antibodies against early antigens of CMV (IgG EA) and IgM antibodies against membrane antigens of CMV (IgG MA) were analyzed. The frequency of IgG EA in patients with ARTD was higher than that in controls (46% vs. 32%), and the geometrical mean titer (GMT) of IgG EA in the patients was also higher than that in controls (50.2 vs. 20.1). Five of 15 ARTD patients had IgM MA, and the frequency was significantly higher than that of controls (33% vs. 1.3%, p<0.01). Eleven of 15 LBW patients with ARTD had a history of blood transfusions during the neonatal period, and 5 of them had significant IgM MA indicating active CMV infection. All 4 LBW patients without blood transfusion were negative for IgM MA. These results suggest a close relationship of CMV infection to ARTD of LBW infants, but it remains for further studies whether blood transfusion is a primary source of CMV infection in LBW infants.
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