Simplified non‐enzymatic technique for isolation of epithelium and muscle from the dog prostate gland

Epithelium and muscle from the normal dog prostate were isolated with a rapid, simple, non-surgical separation (NSS) technique, involving mechanical agitation of organ cubes in a high concentration (30 μM) of EDTA for tissue dispersion, and gentle pressure filtration for recovery of epithelium and muscle. Derivation of this NSS procedure utilized the guinea pig seminal vesicle, since it can be surgically separated (SS) into pure epithelium and muscle to serve as controls for the biochemical viability of NSS prepared tissues. The NSS procedure adopted for use yielded not only pure (> 95%) epithelium and muscle from intact seminal vesicle, but also activities of 5α-reductase and concentrations of the cytosol estrophile in each tissue, which were not significantly different from the SS counterparts. In the dog prostate gland, the concentrations of 5α-reductase and the cytosol estrophile in the NSS epithelium were 1.58 and 0.43 of the NSS muscle, respectively.
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