Modeling of thermodynamic properties of an oxygenate + aromatic hydrocarbon: Excess molar enthalpy

Abstract Excess molar enthalpy ( H m E ) have been measured at 303.15 K for 1-propanol + benzene or toluene or o - or m - or p -xylene mixtures using flow micro calorimeter. The H m E v e r s u s x 1 plots are skewed toward y -axis showing maxima at x 1 ≈ 0.3 . At ( x 1 = 0.5 ) H m E vary in the order: toluene  m -xylene  p -xylene ∼  o -xylene. The excess volume data have also been interpreted in terms of Graph-theoretical approach and Prigogine–Flory–Patterson theory. It has been observed that while PFP theory fails to predict the H m E values for these systems in the composition range x 1 0.5 , agreement with experimental values is reasonably good thereafter. The H m E values calculated by Graph theory compared well with the corresponding experimental values.
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