Geophysical models of Western Aphrodite-Niobe region: Venus

The new topography and gravitational field data for Venus expressed in spherical harmonics of degree and order up to 50 allow us to analyze the crust-mantle boundary relief and stress state of the Venusian lithosphere. In these models, we consider models in which convection is confined beneath a thick, buoyant lithosphere. We divide the convection regime into an upper mantle and lower mantle component. The lateral scales are smaller than on Earth. In these models, relative to Earth, convection is reflected in higher order terms of the gravitational field. On Venus geoid height and topography are highly correlated, although the topography appears to be largely compensated. We hypothesize that Venus topography for those wavelengths that correlate well with the geoid is partly compensated at the crust-mantle boundary, while for the others compensation may be distributed over the whole mantle. In turn the strong sensitivity of the stresses to parameters of the models of the external layers of Venus together with geological mapping allows us to begin investigations of the tectonics and geodynamics of the planet. For stress calculations we use a new technique of space- and time-dependent Green's response functions using Venus models with rheologically stratified lithosphere and mantle and a ductile lower crust. In the basic model of Venus the mean crust is 50-70 km thick, the density contrast across the crust-mantle boundary is in the range from 0.3 to 0.4 g/cm(exp -3). The thickness of a weak mantle zone may be from 350 to 1000 km. Strong sensitivity of calculated stress to various parameters of the layered model of Venus together with geological mapping and analysis of surface tectonic patterns allow us to investigate the tectonics and geodynamics of the planet. The results are presented in the form of maps of compression-extension and maximum shear stresses in the lithosphere and maps of crust-mantle boundary relief, which can be presented as a function of time. We have modeled the region of Western Aphrodite and the Niobe plains to get reasonable depths of compensation. Crust mantle boundary relief is calculated for Western Aphrodite-Niobe relative to a mean crustal thickness of 50 km. The calculations include the consequences of simple crust models and more complicated models with a weak, ductile lower crust, a strong upper mantle and a weak lower mantle layer.
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