El número de goteros por maceta afecta a la distribución de raíces y sales en el sustrato en gerbera

Potted gerberas were grown in a greenhouse with one, two or four emitters (1.2 L h-1) per pot and irrigated with water of two levels of salinity (1.5 dS m-1 y 3 dS m-1). All pots received the same volume of water. The aim was to determine whether the number of emitters per pot affects the distribution of roots and salts in substrate (100% coconut fiber), considering four cardinally oriented vertical portions (SE, SW, NW, NE). Two or four emitters per pot reduced the leaching fraction compared with one, indicating an improvement in both substrate moisture amount and homogeneity. The distribution of roots on the rootball sides was very heterogeneous, which was increasing with increasing salinity; by the contrary, it decreased as the number of emitters increased. The variability of salt among substrate portions was less than in root. Two or four emitters per pot improved the distribution of salts in the substrate compared with one emitter too. We recommend irrigating with two emitters per pot because the effects of using two or four emitters were not very different, while using one led to the worst conditions of moisture and distribution of roots.
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