Mobil Ölçümlerle Ankara Şehir Isı Adası (Urban Heat Island in Ankara with Travers)

Turkish Abstract: Ankara’nin morfolojik olarak bir canakta yer almasi, sehir sakinleri icin kalitesiz hava kosullari yaratmakta, bu olumsuz kosullar bazi donemlerde sehir isi adasi (ŞIA) etkisiyle daha da artmaktadir. Bu calismada, Ankara sehrinde ŞIA’nin ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaciyla 12 ay boyunca her ay icin 1 gece 1 gunduz mobil olcumler yapilmis, sonuclar degerlendirilmis ve istatistiksel yontemler kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Bu degerlendirmelere gore, sehrin kuzey falezi Yukseltepe Kavsagi’nda, guney falezi ise Turan Gunes Caddesi’nde olusmaktadir. Ulus ve Kizilay’da iki ayri zirve meydana gelmekte, falez ve zirveler arasinda ise sehir platosu yer almaktadir. Şehir platosu icerisinde sicaklik cukuru ve tepeleri gorulmekte, bu durum sehir ici arazi kullanimi ve trafik yogunlugu ve sehir yapisi ozelliklerinden kaynaklanmaktadir. Şehirde olusan ŞIA, yaz aylarinda (kurak donemde) daha belirginlesmekte, sicakliklar sehir merkezinden uzaklastikca gunduzleri 0,2 geceleri 0,4 °C azalmaktadir. Gok gorus orani degerlerinin arttigi sahalarda sicakliklar dusmektedir. Sicaklik dagilisinda yukselti de etkili olmakta, bu durum ozellikle yuksek basinc kosullarinda daha gorunur hale gelmektedir. English Abstract: As Ankara is morphologically situated in a basin, this causes air conditions of poor quality for the city-dwellers, and such adverse conditions are further increased sometimes with the impact of urban heat island (UHI). In this study, mobile measurements were made for 12 months (1 at daytime and 1 at nocturnally) to determine the characteristics of UHI in Ankara, and the results were assessed and analyzed using statistical methods. Based on the assessments, the northern cliff of the city is formed at Yukseltepe intersection and the southern cliff is formed at Turan Gunes Street. There are also two different peaks in Ulus and Kizilay, and the plateau of the urban is between the cliffs and peaks. The plateau of the urban includes a temperature sinks and hills, which is caused by the land use in the urban, heavy traffic and characteristics of urban structure. UHI formed in the urban becomes more apparent in the summer season (in the arid period) and is decreased by 0.2 °C during the day and 0.4 °C at night as the temperatures go far away from the city center. The temperatures drop in the sites where visibility of sky is increased. The elevation is effective in the temperature distribution, this is especially effective in the high pressure conditions.
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