Physiochemical Char acteristics and Lead Concentrations in the Inland Valleys of Ishiagu, Southeastern Nigeria

The research work was conductedat two locations in 2012, 100 meters away from mining pitsto determine the effects of lead, slope position and depth on the variation of soil chemical properties.Random sampling method was used to collect soil samples from the study area.Samples were collected from upper-slope, middle-slopeand bottom slope positions at depths 0 �15 cm and 15 �30 cm. Results indicated that the soils are generally clayey to clay loam and poorly drained in all the depths. The upper slope position in thetwo locations gave the highest contents of sand, while the highest percent of clay and silt were obtained from the bottom slope position in both Amaeze and Ihietutu locations.Results showed a significant difference among the chemical properties of upper,middle and bottom slope soils. Soil pH of the upper -slope (6.2) was the highest OriginalResearch Article
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