Influence of Fertilization on the Nature and Intensity of Correlations Between Some Characteristics Related to Climate, Plant and Chemical Components in Golden Spur Apples

The aim of the present thesis is to submit an analysis of a current topic, from a practical and a theoretical point of view, such as the regional and rural development applied in general to the Romanian North-Western Region with special emphasis on Tureni village, Cluj county. This research confronted itself with novelty and with difficult complex theoretical and practical issues, all these transforming it's creation into a process needing no external incentives for its completion. As well as the whole of the Romanian society, the village is in many ways confronted with an innovative experience: the slow, sinuous and contradictory passage from a socio- political totalitarian regime to a democratic and centralized economy (better said: towards a functional economical system). The actual economical transition meant passing from a collective property form (collectivism) - actually a disguised form of state ownership - to the private owning. At a social, interpersonal level, that meant passing from "collectivism" as required subordination of the individual and of the social micro groups (in this case family), to individual work. A certain lack of interest and even manifested apathy of the rural population towards these historical processes was noticed. We are talking afterwards about a sample of people mainly consisting out of aged persons and the major consequence of this situation is expressed in the case of the Romanian agriculture crisis. Specifically, the factors that explain the precarious situation of the Romanian village are: A) Excessive segmentation of the owned land and of batches - the process began long ago (The Agrarian Reform in 1921) and was brutally stopped during the centralizing economy period and again recently, after 1989. B) Difficulty, and in many cases the impossibility to use technological and modern methods of work; C) Return to traditional working methods and the technical instruments, with ethnographic value (plow, dig, oxen cart etc.) As a result of this complex social and economical factors, lack of confidence towards farming associations (sometimes confused with the early CAP), it restricted the production for the immediate needs of the family (or household) with little or no market orientation (the so- called "subsistence farming"). Major features of today's Romanian village, also found in the social realities of the two analyzed communes (Tureni Feleacu), is a decrease in the number of inhabitants, an aging workforce and the feminine preponderance in what concerns it, and internal (town-
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