Impacto del tratamiento alergológico integral en la calidad de vida de los pacientes con rinitis alérgica del Hospital Universitario de Puebla

BACKGROUND: In order to determine the impact of allergic rhinitis on the quality of life of the patients, standardized and validated questionnaires have been developed. The quality of life is the perception of the patient of the functional effects of his illness and its therapeutics consequences. OBJECTIVE: To determine the modification of index the quality of life on the patients with allergic rhinitis attended at the external consultation of the service of allergy and clinical immunology of the Hospital Universitario de Puebla when they were submitted to integral allergologic treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: It was carried out a longitudinal, prospective, experimental and prolective study in patients of both sexes, older than 18 years with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, a validated and standardized questionnaire was applied to assess the quality of life index every 14 days during 6 months. It was measured severity degree at the beginning and the end of the study. It was assessed the sample size considering a reasonable size of the effect 1 and a variability of 0.8 for usual techniques. The severity degree was compared with RIDIT analysis and the mean with variance, a value of p smaller than 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were included, 75% were women. The average age was 34.2 years old. When the severity degrees were compared it was an average RIDIT of 0.014 with a "z" of -5.0 that implicated a value of p < 0.001. The comparison among the initial quality of life and the subsequently visits mean was significantly different since third visit. CONCLUSION: The integral allergologic treatment modifies the quality of life and the severity degree in the patients with allergic rhinitis.
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