Modulation of the occurrence of heat waves over the Euro-Mediterranean region by the intensity of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability

The influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) and its amplitude on the Euro-Mediterranean summer climate is studied in two climate models, namely CNRM-CM5 and EC-Earth3P. Large ensembles of idealized experiments have been conducted in which North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are relaxed towards different amplitudes of the observed AMV anomalies. In agreement with observations, during a positive phase of the AMV both models simulate an increase (decrease) of temperature and a decrease (increase) of precipitation over the Mediterranean basin (northern half of Europe). An increase in the number of heat wave (HW) days is also found over the continental Mediterranean region. In terms of atmospheric circulation, an anomalous ridge (trough) over the Mediterranean basin (northern Europe) induces a thermodynamical response explaining the increase in the occurrence of HW. The anticyclonic anomaly over the Mediterranean basin is associated with drier soils and a reduction of cloud cover, which concomitantly induce a decrease (increase) of the latent (sensible) heat flux and an increase of the downward radiative fluxes over lands. The source mechanisms leading to the mid-troposphere anomalies over North Atlantic and its adjacent continents are discussed. It is found that both the tropical and extra-tropical parts of the AMV modulate the atmospheric circulation over the Euro-Atlantic region. The number of HW days increases linearly with the amplitude of the AMV. However, the strength of this relationship differs between the models, and depends on their intrinsic biases, raising questions regarding the robustness of the mechanisms of teleconnections associated with the AMV.
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