Role of Levan extracted from Bacterial Honey Isolates in Curing Peptic Ulcer: In Vivo

Abstract Peptic ulcer is one of the worldwide diseases where 10% of adults are affected by peptic ulcers at least once in their lifetime. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of levan in treating peptic ulcer. The bacterial honey isolates called Bacillus sp. levan was utilized. Levan was chemically characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), XRD, 1H and 13C NMR analysis. Levan was used to treat gastric ulcers induced in rats by oral administration of 5mL/kg ethanol. Microscopic examination of stomach sections indicated that treatment with 200 mg/kg levan effectively healed the ulcers. Levan had no antimicrobial activity against a common cause of ulcers such as Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Rather, we proposed that the high adhesion (manifested as a protective coating) and prebiotic activity of levan may account for the observed beneficial effects. The immunohistochemical examination showed that levan led to a noticeable Bacillus sp. levan reduction in NF-κB in the upper gastric mucosa. The results concluded that the role of levan was more protective rather than preventive and suggested that levan could play a fundamental role in solving the peptic ulcer problems.
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