Мікробіоценоз зубного нальоту в дітей, хворих на лімфобластний лейкоз і лімфогранулематоз

The structural analysis of aerobic, anaerobic and mycotic species representatives flora in children with oncohematological diseases was proved increasing of quantity and quality content of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora. This is the main reason of different oral diseases exacerbation and determines their decompensated tendency during period of oncological remission. The obtain a research results were stipulated the necessity to direct preventive and treatment measures for correction of oral microflora and pay much special attention for remove of dental plaque and complete patient personal hygiene during different period of disease. It is necessary to direct preventive and treatment measures for correction of oral microflora and patient personal hygiene during different period of disease and attended to compulsory remove of dental plaque.
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