Концепция системы управления биологическими и производственными процессами в садоводстве на основе цифровых технологий с использованием искусственных нейронных сетей

The concept of a managing system for biological and production processes in horticulture based on digital and intelligent technologies is formulated, which involves the development of horticultural technological systems at the level of the plant organism (molecular, genomic, cellular and tissue), at the level of the agroecosystem and at the branch level. For the collection, transmission, accumulation, storage and conversion of information in the form of feedback, it is proposed to use the technology of artificial neural networks. The existing technical capabilities allow, using data from all stages of horticulture, using digital parameters, to formulate a concept of risk control and optimization of technological processes based on the tasks solved by the technology of artificial neural networks. A system of control modules has been elaborated in the technological chain of production, preservation and sale of horticultural products, which allows differentiating information coming to the decision-making system.
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