Comparativo de metodologias de treinamento resistido piramidal decrescente e tradicional em homens destreinados: alterações morfofuncionais

A metodologia mais conhecida de Treinamento de Forca entre os praticantes de musculacao e o Metodo Tradicional (MT), de series multiplas. Alem desse metodo, e comum o uso da Pirâmide Decrescente (PD), que consiste em diminuir o peso e aumentar as repeticoes apos cada serie. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os metodos PD e MT sobre o desenvolvimento de forca maxima, hipertrofia muscular e percentual de gordura em homens destreinados. Na primeira semana ocorreram as avaliacoes antropometricas, e bioimpedância.  Na segunda, treino de familiarizacao dos exercicios, sendo que na mesma os grupos foram submetidos ao teste de 1 RM no Supino e Leg Press, da 3a a 14a semana, os sujeitos foram divididos em 2 grupos MT e PD. O grupo MT treinou com 4 series de 12RM; e o grupo PD, 4 series de 6, 8, 10 e 12RM, diminuindo o peso; e na 15o semana, reavaliacao. Resultados: Observamos em ambos os grupos o aumento na forca, indicados pelo teste de 1RM no supino e leg press. Houve diferenca significativa entre PD e MT (P = 0,044) no teste de supino. Nao houve reducao significativa do percentual de gordura no pos-treinamento. Constatamos aumento da circunferencia de braco, torax e coxa para ambos os grupos, havendo diferenca significativa (p = 0,024) entre os grupos na circunferencia do braco. Conclusao: O metodo PD obteve resultados satisfatorios em individuos destreinados, comparado ao metodo tradicional, no teste de carga maxima no supino e na circunferencia de braco. ABSTRACT Comparative of resisted training methodologies decreasingand traditional pyramidal in men: morfofunctional amendments The most well-known strength training methodology among bodybuilders is the traditional multi-series Traditional Method (TM). In addition to this method, it is common to use the Descending Pyramid (PD), which consists of decreasing the weight and increasing the repetitions after each series. Strength, muscle hypertrophy and fat percentage in untrained men. In the first week the anthropometric evaluations took place, and bioimpedance. In the second, training of familiarization of the exercises, being that in the same the groups were submitted to the test of 1 RM in the Supino and Leg Press, from the 3rd to the 14th week, the subjects were divided into 2 MT and PD groups. The MT group trained with 4 series of 12RM; and the PD group, 4 sets of 6, 8, 10 and 12RM, decreasing weight; And in the 15th week, reevaluation. Results: We observed in both groups the increase in strength, indicated by the 1RM test in the bench press and leg press. There was a significant difference between PD and MT (P = 0.044) in the supine test. There was no significant reduction in post-training fat percentage. Groups, with a significant difference (p = 0.024) between groups in arm circumference. Conclusion: The PD method obtained satisfactory results in untrained individuals, compared to the traditional method, in the test of maximum load in the bench press and arm circumference.
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