Evaluation of Pollution Prevention Options to Reduce Styrene Emissions from Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Open Molding Processes

ABSTRACT Pollution prevention (P2) options to reduce styrene emissions, such as new materials and application equipment, are commercially available to the operators of open molding processes. However, information is lacking on the emissions reduction that these options can achieve. To meet this need, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division, working in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute, measured styrene emissions for several of these P2 options. In addition, the emission factors calculated from these test results were compared with the existing EPA emission factors for gel coat sprayup and resin applications. Results show that styrene emissions can be reduced by up to 52% by using controlled spraying (i.e., reducing overspray), low-styrene and styrene-suppressed materials, and nonatomizing application equipment. Also, calculated emission factors were 1.6–2.5 times greater than the mid-range EPA emission factors for the corresponding gel co...
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