Faecal lactoferrin assay as an adjunct to Clostridium difficile diarrhoea

Inflammation is the hallmark of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea and lactoferrin is produced by inflammatory cells. The aim of this study was to find out whether faecal lactoferrin latex agglutination (FLLA) assay done simultaneously with Clostridium difficile toxin (CDT) assay would help in the diagnosis of C. difficile infection in paediatric patients. One hundred and fifty faecal samples were obtained from paediatric group of patients. Both FLLA and CDT assays were done in conjunction on these samples. The data were expressed by descriptive statistics. One hundred and nineteen patients received antibiotics while 31 did not receive it. Of the former group 89 (74.8%) had diarrhoea while 30 (25.2%) did not have it. No significant relationship (p=0.287) was seen between antibiotic usage and occurrence of diarrhoea. However, CDT positivity was seen to be influenced by prior antibiotic usage as 51 (42.9%) patients receiving antibiotics were CDT positive when compared to 4 (7.3%) of those who did not receive antibiotics (p=0.002). a highly statistically significant (p<0.001) relationship was seen between CDT and FLLA positivity. FLLA appears to be an useful adjunct for C. difficile associated intestinal diseases in children when both the tests are done simultaneously and when other enteropathogens causing inflammatory diarrhoeas are ruled out.
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