Метаболическая коррекция внутрипеченочного воспалительного ответа при экспериментальном распространенном гнойном перитоните

Objectives. To study the dynamics of expression of MAC387 a marker of the inflammatory response in the liver in experimental generalized purulent peritonitis and the possibility of its correction with drugs of the metabolic type of action. Material and methods. Experiment was conducted on 55 rabbits of the chinchilla breed. Generalized purulent peritonitis was modelled by the introduction into the abdominal cavity of the aerobic and anaerobic mixture of E.coli and B.fragilis. In 6 hours after the infection surgical treatment was carried out and in the postoperative period during 5 days the preparations Citoflavin or Neoton were used. The animals were taken from the experiment and the material (liver sections) was extracted in 6 hours after the initiation of peritonitis and also on the 1 st, 3 rd and 5 th day after the surgery. After fixing and standard histological wiring serial sections were prepared. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using antibodies to macrophages Anti-Macrophage antibody MAC387 (ab49408, «Abcam»). Image analysis was made with the use of a computer system with a digital camera and licensed software by means of which the level of expression of immunohistochemical marker MAC387 (ab49408) was evaluated. Results. MAC387-positive macrophages are detected in the liver both in the norm and in experimental purulent peritonitis, in peritonitis the expression level of MAС387 marker of the intrahepatic inflammation increasing significantly. This mechanism may be a predictor of further development of destructive processes in the liver with the disturbance of its function, as well as systemic inflammation and multiple organ failure. The preparation containing succinic acid Citoflavin, in comparison with the creatine phosphate drug Neoton, more effectively reduces the level of expression of MAС387 + cells in the liver. Conclusion. Citoflavin application in the postoperative period of experimental generalized purulent peritonitis enables the correction of the intensity of the intrahepatic inflammatory cell-mediated response, reduces the degree of the liver tissue alteration and exerts the cytoprotective effect.
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