Elektromanyetik alana maruz kalan kişilerde k-ras onkogeninin moleküler analizi

OZET Insanda kanser olusumuna bircok faktorun etkili oldugu ileri surulmektedir. Bunlarin basinda tumor suppressor genleri, protoonkogenler ve onkogenlerde meydana gelen duzensizlikler ilk sirada yer almaktadir. Ras onkogen familyasinda yer alan K-ras onkogeninin 12.,13. ve 61. kodonunda meydana gelen nokta mutasyonlar tumor olusumuna yol acmaktadir. Yapilan arastirmalarda elektromanyetik alanlarin hucreleri bolunmeye sevk ederek tumor gelisimini hizlandirdigi ve uzun sureli oldukca dusuk frekansli (Extremely Low-Frequency, ELF) elektromanyetik alanlara maruz kalan kisilerde kanser olusum sikliginin arttigi bildirilmektedir. Bu konuda molekuler duzeyde calismalar yeterli olmayip tartismalar devam etmektedir. Bu calismada, yuksek gerilim hatti calisanlarinda kanser olusumuna neden olan onkogenlerden, K-ras genindeki delesyon/mutasyonlari belirlemek amaciyla, Gaziantep, Erzin ve Elbistan bolgesi 380 kV' luk salt sahasinda calisan 31 kisinin ve kontrol amaciyla saglikli 23 kisinin kanlarindan standart yontemle DNA izole edildi. Izole edilen DNA'larda K-ras geninde, delesyonun/mutasyonun olup olmadigi Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) yontemiyle arastirildi. Sadece 2 bireyin SSCP bandinda farklilik saptandi. Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektromanyetik Alan, K-ras, PCR-SSCP SUMMARY MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF K-RAS ONCOGENE IN HUMAN EXPOSED TO ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS It is supposed that many factors are effective in human cancer progression. Among the genes affected tumor suppressor genes,protooncogenes and oncogenes play a key role. The point mutations that occur at the 12th,13th and 61st codons of K-ras oncogene which is a Ras oncogene family member, cause tumorogenessis. The studies revealed that the electromagnetic fields (EMF) induce the cells to divide, which accelerate tumor proggression and raises the frequency of cancer events in humans who are exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) for a long time. The molecular studies are not enough to enlighten the debate about this issue. In this study, to detect the deletions/mutations of the K-ras gene, an oncogene which causes cancer, the DNAs were isolated from the blood of the 31 workers of the Gaziantep,Erzin and Elbistan 380kV electricity substation and 23 healhty donours as a control group, using a standard method. The deletions/mutations of the K-ras gene were examined using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (PCR-SSCP). Only 2 of the workers showed a shifted SSCP band. Key Words: Electromagnetic Fields, K-ras, PCR-SSCP
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