Comparison of selectivity of LDL removal by double filtration and dextran-sulfate cellulose column plasmapheresis, and changes of subfractionated plasma lipoproteins after plasmapheresis in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

Abstract The possibility of selective removal of low density lipoprotein (LDL) by double filtration (DF) and dextran-sulfate cellulose (DSC) column plasmapheresis in hypercholesterolemia and the acute recovery process of the subfractionated plasma lipoproteins after plasmapheresis in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia were investigated. Sixty-six percent of the LDL cholesterol and 42% of the HDL cholesterol were removed by 2.5 L DF plasmapheresis with the second filters having average pore diameters of 30 nm and 40 nm. Fifty-nine percent of the LDL cholesterol was removed by 2.5 L DSC column plasmapheresis, while HDL cholesterol did not change. Therefore, DSC column phasmapheresis could remove LDL much more specifically than DF plasmapheresis. VLDL increased rapidly and reached the preplasmapheresis level within four days after plasmapheresis. IDL returned to the preplasmapheresis level in 2 weeks. The LDL 1 level was approximately 80% of the preplasmapheresis level on the 14th day. LDL 2 reached the peak at the seventh day. HDL 2 and HDL 3 moved in the same manner and reached the peak on the seventh day after DF plasmapheresis.
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