Открытые ненатяжные вмешательства по поводу паховых грыж у мужчин молодого возраста

In review are presented open current methods of inguinal hernia repair. It is shown that the majority of authors consider the method of choice tension-free plasty. Widely known methods and rarely used technique are described (Lichtenstein, “plug and patch”, Stoppa, Nyhus). Both the techniques that developed in latest time are presented (Desarda, TIPP, and TREPP). Analyze of its positive aspects and problem issues are carried out. The special attention provided to reproductive function in young men. The possible pathogenesis of infertility after inguinal hernia repair with mesh implantation is described. The value of scar developing surround the vas deferens in the area of its contact with the endoprosthesis is noted. The impact of vascular disorders, the influence of possible intraoperative complications depends of surgical techniques are underlined. An analysis of the literature data concluded that the problem of surgical treatment of inguinal hernias in men of reproductive age is to date not resolved. The experimental researches in animals and randomized multicenter clinical studies are need. Both is necessary the development of new biocompatible synthetic materials.
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