Watson İnsan Bakım Modeli’ne Göre Şizofreni Tanılı Bir Hastada Hemşirelik Bakımı: Olgu Sunumu

Watson Insan Bakim Modeli’ne Gore Şizofreni Tanili Bir Hastada Hemsirelik Bakimi: Olgu Sunumu Watson Insan Bakim Modeli (IBM), insanin zihin-beden-ruh’tan olusan bir butun oldugunu, butunden odun vermeden her bir parcanin ve bunlarin birbiri ile uyumunun oneminden bahseder. Bu yazida, psikiyatri kliniginde sizofreni tanisiyla izlenmis olan olgu Watson IBM cercevesinde tartisilacaktir. Ilk sikâyetleri 26 yasinda baslayan ve su an 47 yasinda olan sizofreni tanili erkek hastanin, ilac uyumsuzlugu ve aile desteginin yetersizligine bagli coklu yatislari olmustur. Son alti aydir ilac kullaniminda bozulma, evdeki esyalari cope atma, yeni esyalar alma ve esyalarin hepsini yataginin uzerine birakma, alkol kullaniminda artma, para harcamada artma ve annesine yonelik siddet davranislari nedeniyle psikiyatri klinigine yatisi yapilmistir. Watson IBM’nde yer alan insan bakimina iliskin degerler cercevesinde hastanin klinige, tedavi ekibine ve tedavisine uyumuna yonelik bakim verilmistir. Hastanin kisa sure sonra sanri ve varsanilari kaybolarak, taburculuk sonrasi kalacak yeri olmadigi icin bir bakim evi ayarlanarak, 65. gunde taburcu edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Watson Insan Bakim Modeli, Şizofreni, Psikiyatri Hemsireligi, Hemsirelik Bakimi. Nursing Care According to The Watson’s Human Care Model In A Patient Diagnosed With Schizophrenia: A Case Report Watson’s Human Care Model (HCM) mentions the wholeness of the human being consisting of mind, body, and soul, the importance of each part, and their harmony with each other without compromising the whole. In this paper, a case who is diagnosed with schizophrenia and monitored in a psychiatric clinic will be discussed within the framework of Watson’s HCM. Currently, the 47-year-old male patient whose first complaints started at the age of 26 and diagnosed with Psychotic Disorder has had multiple admissions due to treatment non-adherence and the lack of family support. He was hospitalized at a psychiatric clinic due to the non-adherence to prescriptions, throwing the household goods away, buying new household goods and leaving all of them on his bed, an increase in alcohol use, an increase in spending money, and violent behaviors towards his mother in the last six months. Within the framework of the values related to human care in Watson HCM, the care was provided to ensure that the patient adapted to the clinic, the treatment team, and the treatment. The patient’s delusions and hallucinations disappeared soon. As he did not have a place to stay after discharge, a nursing home was found for him and he was discharged on the 65th day. Keywords: Watson’s Human Care Model, Schizophrenia, Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing Care.
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