Relaciones entre tectónica y sedimentación asociadas a las Rides Prérifaines en la Cuenca de Volubilis (frente del Rif, Marruecos) Interactions between tectonic and sedimentation related to the Rides Prérifaines in the Volubilis basin (Rif front, Morocco)

The Volubilis Neogene basin (Morocco) was part of the South Rif Corridor that connected the Atlantic Ocean with the Mediterranean. This basin recorded the tectonic - sedimentary interactions of a foreland basin subjected to the progressive advance of the Rif mountain range front. Since the Miocene, the displacement of the Prerif to the WSW, caused the detachment of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover from the Variscan basement and the compartimentation of Saiss Basin. Simultaneously, the upper Neogene sedimentation continued, developing several types of syntectonic sedimentary structures and Volubilis basin finally becomes a piggy-back basin.
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