Integrated nutrient management with organic and inorganic fertilizers on productivity of sugarcane ratoon in bangladesh

A field experiment with integrated nutrient management by organic and inorganic fertilizers on ratoon sugarcane was conducted at Regional Sugarcane Research Station farm under Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain of Bangladesh. It was comprised of nine treatments viz., T1- Control (No fertilizer), T2 - Recommended fertilizer doses of N120P35K100S25Zn2 kg /ha (RFD), T3 - RFD of NPSZn + 10 t /ha Rice mill ash, T4 -RFD of NPSZn + 75% K + 10t/ha Rice mill ash, T5 - RFD +10t /ha Rice mill ash, T6 - RFD + 201 /ha Press mud, T7 - 75% RFD + 201 /ha Press mud + 101 /ha Rice mill ash, T8 - 50% RFD + 20 t /ha Press mud and T9 - 50% RFD+20 t /ha Press mud + 10 t /ha Rice mill ash. Results revealed that all the treatments with organic and inorganic fertilizers significantly produced higher ratoon cane yield over recommended fertilizers and control. The treatment T9 having combinations of 50% recommended N120P35K100S25Zn2 kg /ha with press mud at 20 tonnes and rice mill ash at 10 tonnes per hectare showed the highest net economic benefit and better apparent nutrient balance in soil.
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