Articles polyurethane and poly (ureaurethane) impact resistant and methods of making the same

The present invention rovides a polyurethane comprising a reaction product of components comprising: (a) an isocyanate functional urethane prepolymer comprising a reaction product of components comprising: (i) about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate; and (ii) about 0.1 to about 0.5 equivalents of at least one diol having 2 to 18 carbon atoms; and (b) about 0.05 to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one branched polyol having 4 to 18 carbon atoms and at least 3 hydroxyl groups; and (c) up to about 0.45 equivalents of at least one diol having 2 to 18 carbon atoms, wherein the reaction product components are essentially free of polyester polyol and polyether polyol; compositions, coatings and articles made therefrom and methods of making the same.
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