Evaluating satisfaction level of grocery E-retailers using intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS and ECCSI model

Online buying enables consumers to buy products and services straightaway from the retailers over the internet, with more or less no human interventions. Shoppers find merchandise of their choice, quality, price point by going to these websites of the retailers with just a click of the button. But, Is transparency and competitiveness in pricing and product quality enough for the customers to prefer one vendor over the other? Through this paper we would try to resolve this fuzzy state and try to find the vital aspects of major grocery retailers that are critical for satisfying the buyers. Also, how the competing retailers are utilizing these aspects to differentiate themselves in minds of the people and compete for their share in customer's wallet. In this paper study of the E-Commerce Customer Satisfaction Index (ECCSI) Model is done for understanding the aspects of online customer satisfaction and with the use of Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS tool different online retailers are studied to map them on the degree of satisfaction level they provide and accomplish their goal to establish themselves in the market place.
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