Spectrum of viral pathogens in adult patients with infectious exacerbation of chronic bronchitis

Aim: Investigation of the spectrum of viral pathogens in patients with infectious exacerbation (IE) of chronic bronchitis (CB). Subjects and methods: Nasal swabs from 50 patients with IE of CB (20 men and 30 women 18-76 years), confirmed by clinical-functional and laboratory methods. Laboratory diagnosis of viral infection was made by PCR-FRT. Were detected antigens of influenza viruses A and B (Influenza virus A/B), parainfluenza (hPV), adenoviruses (hAdV), bocaviruses (hBoV), rhinovirus (hRV), coronaviruses (hCoV), respiratory-syncytial (hRcV) and metapneumovirus (hMpV). The results of the study: Viral pathogens were identified in 38% of patients. The greatest significance of the agents had hPV - in 47%. Less frequently detected hAdV - 31,6%; hMpV - 21%; hBoV - 10,5%. In patients with IE of CB viral pathogens have been identified mainly in September and November - in 52,6%, in March and May - in 47,6%, which coincides with the seasonal acute respiratory tract infections period. During the investigation registered epidemic of flu was not reported. The frequency of detection of viral pathogens of IE of CB depended on the period from the start of illness. In the first 3 days of illness viral pathogens detection rate was 80,4%, from 4 to 7 day – 19,6%, on day 8 and later none of the viral pathogen detected. Conclusions: The results indicate that the greatest etiological value in IE of CB among viral pathogens has hPV, and the frequency of detection of viral pathogens depends on the day of examination from beginning of illness, and coincides with the seasonality of the acute viral respiratory tract infections. For more complete data planned to continue the research in 2016.
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