Особливості організації хірургічної допомоги та лікувально-евакуаційних заходів в умовах пандемії COVID-19

The purpose - to study the features of the organization of the provision of surgical care and the implementation of medical and evacuation measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. With the help of historical, bibliographic and comparative analysis and a systematic approach, the literature data on sanitary-epidemiological and treatment-evacuation measures in the context of a pandemic of a new coronavirus infection in the Armed Forces of Ukraine were summarized. Results. The article considers materials of modern world standards on this issue and summarizes the own experience of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Eastern Region. Taking into account the standards and guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a ranked approach is proposed to determine the possibility, feasibility and safety of performing surgical interventions in the UZ of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. And the procedure for organizing the provision of surgical care and the implementation of medical and evacuation measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was proposed. Particular attention is paid to the division of patients into categories, depending on the specific clinical situation, as well as the earliest possible separation of patient flows and the exclusion of the possibility of mixing them. Conclusions. For the safe organization of the provision of surgical care and medical and evacuation measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to ensure: strict control of the sanitary epidemiological regime and infection control measures; "Air insulation"; minimization of contacts; separation of streams of sick "clean" and potentially infected; clear prioritization of procedures; ranked assistance. For this, the following was introduced and should be supported: strict restriction of access of unauthorized persons to the territory of the UZ; maximum unloading of the hospital base, rarefaction of patients, graded reduction in the volume of care; strengthening control over compliance with sanitary requirements, decontamination measures and sanitary and epidemiological supervision; insurance for the performance of aerosol-generating procedures, incl. laparoscopic interventions, provision of health care personnel by personal protective equipment and control over their use; a clear algorithm for sorting and routing patients; training.
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