NASA Curation Preparation for Ryugu Sample Returned by JAXA's Hayabusa2 Mission

The NASA OSIRIS-REx and JAXA Hayabusa2 missions to near-Earth asteroids Bennu and Ryugu share similar mission goals of understanding the origins of primitive, organic-rich asteroids. Under an agreement between JAXA and NASA, there is an on-going and productive collaboration between science teams of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions. Under this agreement, a portion of each of the returned sample masses will be exchanged between the agencies and the scientific results of their study will be shared. NASA’s portion of the returned Hayabusa2 sample, consisting of 10% of the returned mass, will be jointly separated by NASA and JAXA. The sample will be legally and physically transferred to NASA’s dedicated Hayabusa2 curation facility at Johnson Space Center (JSC) no later than one year after the return of the Hayabusa2 sample to Earth (December 2020). The JSC Hayabusa2 curation cleanroom facility design has now been completed. In the same manner, JAXA will receive 0.5% of the total returned OSIRIS-REx sample (minimum required sample to return 60 g, maximum sample return capacity of 2 kg) from the rest of the specimen. No later than one year after the return of the OSIRIS-REx sample to Earth (September 2023), legal, physical, and permanent custody of this sample subset will be transferred to JAXA, and the sample subset will be brought to JAXA’s Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Center (ESCuC) at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara City Japan.
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