Wysoka niedrożność aorty brzusznej — możliwe następstwa ograniczonej trombektomii z następowym pomostowaniem aortalno-dwuudowym High occlusion of the abdominal aorta — possible consequences of limited thrombectomy with subsequent aortobifemoral bypass

Background: The authors assesed the patenty of proximal anastomosis of aorto-bifemoral graft and analyzed early and late complications in patients with high occlusion of abdominal aorta. Material and methods: The report presents 35 patients with symptoms of Leriche’s syndrome related to high infrarenal occlusion of the abdominal aorta. The research group consisted of 26 men (74%) and 9 women (26%). In 33 patients (94.3%), primary reconstruction with an aortobifemoral bypass was performed following an earlier aortic segment thrombectomy; 2 patients (5.7%) underwent a secondary bypass as a result of occlusion of the aorta and the previously inserted bypass. Results: 5 patients (14.2%) died postoperatively, all due to myocardial infarction. In the remaining patients, a follow-up was performed in period 12– 37 months after the operation. The following were examined: abdominal aorta width above and at the thrombectomy site, length of the anastomosis, the presence of stenosis in the renal arteries and in the superior mesentric artery, bypass patency, the presence of
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