Programa Médicos pelo Brasil: inovação ou continuidade?

Despite the launch of the Doctors throughout Brazil Program (PMB) bring the idea of innovation, this article highlights the continuity of the current program in relation to the More Doctors Program (PMM). The PMB structures itself in the PMM’s settings to assemble its operating framework and attempts to overcome existing problems in the previous program. The main proposal of the PMB is the medical career to work in Primary Health Care (PHC), without, however, presenting other important elements for professional fixation. Thus, it presents itself as a more fragile policy than its predecessor, focusing only on the provision of doctors, at the risk of not achieving the objectives it has set itself as a public policy. In addition, through the proposal to create the Agency for the Development of Primary Health Care (Adaps), the program leaves room for the privatization of PHC services and the Unified Health System as a whole.
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