Infusion of prepro-VIP derived peptides in man: effect on secretion of prolactin.

Infusion of the three human prepro-VIP derived peptides [vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), peptide histidine methionine (PHM) and the newly discovered peptide histidine valine (PHV-42)] at a constant nominal rate of 5 pmol/kg/min in 6 healthy volunteers for 60 min resulted in plateau plasma levels of 56,475 and 1,052 pmol/l, respectively. Although these values were above those found in the circulation under physiological conditions, only VIP caused a significant rise of prolactin (PRL) during, and postinfusion. Circulating luteinizing hormone and cortisol concentrations remained unchanged. As peptide histidine isoleucine, the porcine equivalent of PHM, has been postulated to be a potent hypophyseal portal pituitary PRL-releasing factor in the rat, we suggest that in man, VIP is more active than either PHM or PHV-42, and is likely to be a better candidate.
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