Pengaruh Formula Pembenah Tanah Organik Granul Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Pada Lahan Kering Masam

Acid upland needs to be managed intensively to overcome the inherent constraints of the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Research on the effect of granular organic soil amendment formula to the soil chemical properties and plant growth on acid upland was carried out in the greenhouse.The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of granular organic soil amendment formulas that have been enriched with humic compounds as a substitute for lime to improve soil chemical properties and plant growth. The study was conducted with a pot experiment using a randomized block design with 10 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments are consist of 3 types of soil amendment, namely lime, chicken manure compost (CMC) and cow dung compost (CDC), each with 3 dosage levels. Mungbean plants are used as indicators planted in pots with 3 plants each. The results revealed that lime as soil amendment quickly increased soil pH and decreased exchangable Aluminium (Exch-Al). Meanwhile the formula CMC is superior in increasing soil organic carbon. The CMC also increase soil pH and reduce the exch-Al levels, but the intensity is lower than lime. The CDC soil amendment has less effect on increasing pH and neutralizing exch-Al. The CMC soil amendment can increase the growth and production of mungbean. Mungbean dry biomass increased about 60% and grain production increased about 56% compared to control treatment. The growth and production of mungbean from CMC treatment is better than lime treatment. It can be concluded that chicken manure compost and cow dung compost can be used to substitute of lime as soil amendment on acid upland. Keyword: acid upland, lime, manure, productivity, soil amendment
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