Pregnancy and genital mycoplasma outcomes

The aim of the study was to determine the possible association of adverse pregnancy outcomes and genital mycoplasmas colonizing the vagina of women during pregnancy. Materials and methods. The results of a survey of 312 pregnant women from the group at increased risk of developing inflammatory complications were subjected to multifactorial analysis. The state of the vaginal biotope was determined on the basis of an integrated assessment of the results of the microscopy of vaginal grammy-smears and the sowing of the vaginal discharge to be facultative-anaerobic and microaerophilic groups of microorganisms. 5% of blood agar was used as the most universal medium, as well as Saburo agar (for selective isolation of fungi) and MRS agar (for isolating lactobacilli) to seed the vaginal discharge with a quantitative estimate of the growth of microorganisms. To isolate, identify, differentiate and quantify the growth of genital mycoplasmas, the Mycoplasma DUO test kits ("BioRad") were used. The analysis of clinical parameters - parameters of obstetric-gynecological history, current of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum inflammatory complications and the state of newborns was carried out. Results. The analysis of the frequency of mycoplasma release depending on the state of the microcenosis of the vagina showed that the frequency of mycoplasma release was statistically significantly higher for bacterial vaginosis (74.6%) and its combination with candidal vaginitis (73.7%) compared with normocenosis (46, 8%, p 0.01). The conducted study allows to consider as inconsistent the examination of women with unfavorable outcomes of previous pregnancies to identify foci of chronic bacterial infections and / or antiphospholipid antibodies.
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