動脈硬化性疾患予防ガイドライン 2012 年版におけるスタチンによるコレステロール管理の疫学研究

In this study, we retrospectively analyzed the goals of achieving low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C)control in clinical practice. Medical records from the databases of 15 Japanese hospitals, in accordance with the guidelines for LDL-C control which were revised in 2012, were used. In this study, a total of 6789 cases taking statins for ≧3 months between April 1 2009 and March 31 2012 were evaluated. The evaluation of LDL-C control goal achievement rates, categorized by the type of statin pre-scribed, revealed that rosuvastatin had the highest success rate for secondary prevention in category III groups. The evaluation of disease risk factors indicated that the LDL-C goal achievement rate in patients taking rosuvastatin improved in a high-risk coronary artery disease group, in which epidemiological research had previously determined the treatment to be insufficient. The increasing popularity of rosuvastatin and other strong statins, such as atorvastatin and pitavastatin, may have contributed to these results. However, this study confirmed that some patients did not achieve the target values set by the guidelines. Thus, it is important to improve awareness of these target values.
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