Magnetization scaling in the paramagnetic phase of Mn1−xFexSi solid solutions

Abstract The magnetization field and temperature dependences in the paramagnetic phase of Mn 1−x Fe x Sisolid solutions with x < 0.3 are investigated in the range B < 5 T and T < 60 K. It is found thatfield dependences of the magnetization M(B,T = const) exhibit scaling behaviour of the formB∂M/∂B −M = F(B/(T −T s )), where T s denotes an empirically determined temperature of thetransition into the magnetic phase with fluctuation driven short-range magnetic order and F(ξ)is a universal scaling function for given composition. The scaling relation allowed concluding thatthe magnetization in the paramagnetic phase of Mn 1−x Fe x Si is represented by the sum of twoterms. The first term is saturated by the scaling variable ξ = B/(T − T s ), whereas the second islinearly dependent on the magnetic field. A simple analytical formula describing the magnetizationis derived and applied to estimates of the parameters characterizing localized magnetic momentsin the studied system. The obtained data may be qualitatively interpreted assuming magneticinhomogeneity of the paramagnetic phase on the nanoscale.
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