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Traumatic asphyxia; A case report.

Traumatic asphyxia is a rare condition caused by chest and trunk compression, manifested by symptoms such as cyanosis, subconjunctival haemorrhage and neurological manifestations and  numerous petechiae in head and neck regions. Morbidity and mortality depend on cardiovascular and pulmonary complications and cranial injuries such as s and brain edema in these travmatik patients. Traumatic asphyxia treatment is aims to maintain adequate oxigenation of tissue and adequate tissue oxygenation and perfusion of the affected thoracal organs such as hemothorax, pneumothorax, and pulmonary contusion.  In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.  A child patient was brought to our emergency department for the cause of the car traffic accident. We present this six-year-old children case with traumatic asphyxia after thoracoabdominal blunt trauma due to a traffic accident.                 OZET Travmatik asfiksi, bas ve boyun bolgelerinde siyanoz, cok sayida petesi ve subkonjonktival hemoraji ve norolojik belirtiler ile kendini gosteren, gogus ve govde sikismalarinin neden oldugu nadir bir durumdur. Bu travmatik hastalarda morbidite ve mortalite kardiyovaskuler ve pulmoner komplikasyonlara ve beyin odemi gibi kranyal yaralanmalara baglidir. Travmatik asfiksi tedavisi, etkilenen organlarin yeterli doku oksijenasyonunu ve perfuzyonunu saglamayi, bununla beraber hemotoraks, pnomotoraks ve pulmoner kontuzyon gibi gogus yaralanmalarina yoneliktir. Tedavide bazi vakalarda cerrahi mudahale gerekli olabilir.  Arac disi trafik kazasi nedeni ile acil servisimize bir cocuk hasta getirildi. Calismamizda torakoabdominal kunt travma sonucu travmatik asfiksi gelisen bu alti yasindaki olguyu sunduk.
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