Peripheral vascular hyperreactivity in arterial hypertension

Abstract Recent invasive research has revealed vascular hyperreactivity in arterial hypertensive subjects. We have studied the peripheral vascular reactivity by means of basic hand telethermography followed by a modest active vessel test, in order to verify the type and intensity of constrictive vessel response in different groups. Basic telethermography is followed by cooling of the hand in water at 10° C for 30 seconds; after 2 minutes a telethermography control is carried out. Two responses were distinguished: normal and pathological. We have studied 3 groups of 20 subjects each: group A suffering from apparent arterial hypertension not undergoing therapy; group B with familial arterial hypertension, and group C control. We could not find a meaningful difference in the basic thermogram of the different groups. After stimulation, we found the difference to be statistically significant. Conclusions: hypertensive subjects give a pathological response to active blood vessel agents. The vascular hyperreactivity becomes manifest before an abnormal increase in blood pressure is recognized and a genetic cause is found.
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