Evolution of Increased Survival in RNA Viruses Specialized on Cancer-Derived Cells

AbstractViruses and other pathogens can diverge in their evolved host-use strategies because of exposure to different host types and conflicts between within-host reproduction and between-host survival. Most host-pathogen studies have emphasized the role of intrahost reproduction in the evolution of pathogen virulence, whereas the role of extra-host survival has received less attention. Here, we examine the evolution of free-living virion survival in RNA virus populations differing in their histories of host use. To do so, we used lineages of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) that were experimentally evolved in laboratory tissue culture for 100 generations on cancer-derived cells, noncancerous cells, or alternating passages of the two host types. We observed that free-living survival improved when VSV populations specialized on human epithelial carcinoma (HeLa) cells, whereas this trait was not associated with selection on noncancer cells or combinations of the cell types. We attributed this finding to sho...
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