Potato production and incidence ofVerticillium dahliae following rotation to nonhost crops and soil fumigation in the state of Washington

For three years, potato yields, tuber quality, and incidence ofVerticillium dahliae were measured in field plots previously cropped for one year to the following nonhosts: sudan grass, green peas followed by sudan grass (same year), spring wheat, spring wheat followed by sudan grass (same year), sweet corn and field corn. One year rotation to nonhosts did not reduce the population ofV. dahliae propagules in the soil and in only one of the three years wereV. dahliae propagule numbers in potato stems significantly reduced in plots following nonhost crops, compared with plots following potatoes. Verticillium wilt symptoms in potatoes were not reduced by one year rotation to any of these crops and only in one year in three was yield significantly increased. In two of three years, percent U.S. No. 1 tubers was increased following one-year rotation with green peas plus sudan grass, and in one of the two years, specific gravity was increased by rotation.
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