Different loading condition and angle measurement of human lumbar spine MRI image using ANSYS

Every living organism is happiest and can do their daily routine when they are hale and hearty. Man is no exception. Health is his basic concern, apart from food, water, and shelter. To a human being, health is not only connected to the body, but it also connected to the mind. “A sound mind is in a sound body”. To maintain one’s health, various factors such as weather, mental well-being, proper rest, nutritious food, and a suitable living place contribute to a great extent. Apart from these, the workplace is also an important factor for consideration. Here also, blue-collar workers face a lot of health concerns due to the nature of their work, which involves carrying, lifting, loading, and unloading heavy objects every day. Industries and factories mostly do not adhere to any prescribed norms for extracting this kind of labor. This might be due to their target-based schedule and budget constraints. Most industries grow at the cost of the laborers’ health. The laborers too ignore their health and risk their lives. As he or she endowed with the sixth sense, they can use it successfully so long as the body is healthy. In image processing, the 3D image generation models simulated. The stress test performed using ANSYS for the images generated from MATLAB. Initially, the performances of all the Edge Detection Algorithm (EDA) s were analyzed using the three parameters, namely average magnitude, initial position, and the threshold value. From the analysis, it was explicit that the canny EDA outperformed other EDAs. The Canny edge detection method showed remarkable results with average magnitude = 16.27, initial position = 8.59, and threshold = 8.61. The outcome of the above mentioned pre-processes converted into a 3D model using CAD and CATIA. Thus, the converted 3D model was put into analysis using ANSYS software to obtain the essential parameters, such as NS, MMPS, MMPES, EES, ES, NES, SES, SS, and TD, for identifying the maximum safest angle at which the lumbar spine remains with much less stress, strain, and TD of the worked-out 11 parameters, the 3 parameters such as TD, equivalent (Von Mises) stress and EES were selected to study and investigate the suitable degree at which the HLS remains unaffected and can function for a longer period in general. From the analysis, it is evident that the HLS of a person can bear the load weighing between 50 and 70 kg. The result is as follows: TD 8.0061e – 006 m, ES 3.3655e + 006 Pa and ESS 2.1051e – 004 m/m. This research has successfully proved that a 90° angle is the best for lifting a load, thereby reducing stress, strain, and deformation in the long run.
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