Origin of diastereoselectivity in the thermal [4+2] cycloadditions of dienophiles derived from Oppolzer's sultams: Steric vs. Stereoelectronic Influences

Comparative semi-empirical PM3 and ab initio STO 3-21G calculations on bornanesultam-derived dienophiles containing the structural moiety SO2NC(O)X(α) = Y(β) suggest that, among the conformers of low energy, the thermodynamically less stable SO2/C(O)-syn,C(O)/X=Y-s-cis conformation is also reactive in terms of LUMO level and atomic coefficients. Furthermore, the X(α), Y(β) LUMO atomic coefficients are nonequivalent with respect to both X(α)-re and X(α)-si faces, and thus have, depending on the conformation, a matching or mismatching stereoelectronic influence with the co-operative steric effect. This dissymmetry is believed to result from the generalized anemone effect of the N lone pair, itself anomerically stabilized and directed, in the absence of crucial steric interactions, by the pseudo-axial anti-periplanar SO bond. Five N-acyl-substituted bornanesultams arc discussed ((–)-1a: N-acryloyl, XCH, YCH2; (–)-1b; N-crotonoyl, XCH, YCHMe; (–)-1c: N-N′-fumaroyl, XCH, YCH(C(O)-bornanesultam); 2a: N-glyoxyloyl, XCH, YO; 2b: N-acylnitroso, XN, YO). In this context, differences with toluenesultams 3 are pointed out. A previous report on N-(acylnitroso)-bornanesultam 2b is revisited, and the diastereoselectivity observed is shown to result from thermodynamic control.
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