Incidencia de la retinopatía de la prematuridad en el bajo peso

OBJETIVO: Conocer el comportamiento de la retinopatia en los nacidos de menos de 1750 gramos o menos de 35 semanas en la provincia La Habana. METODOS: Se realizo un estudio prospectivo longitudinal de todos los ninos bajo peso nacidos en la provincia La Habana desde enero de 2004 a diciembre de 2008, se obtuvieron un total de 1847 ninos bajo peso. El protocolo de investigacion lo integraron los menores de 1750 gramos de peso al nacer o con edad gestacional inferior a 35 semanas, a quienes se les valoraron algunos factores de riesgo. Se excluyeron del estudio los fallecidos en ese periodo. RESULTADOS: La incidencia fue de 15,3 por ciento mediante examen oftalmoscopico. Fue mayor en el grado III, en el peso comprendido de 1000-1499 gramos y edad gestacional de 28-32 semanas. En los ninos investigados para ROP, el mayor porcentaje recibio oxigeno, solo dos casos no tuvieron dicho tratamiento. CONCLUSION: La incidencia de retinopatia de la prematuridad, a pesar de resultar baja, generalmente ocurre de manera grave en el grado III, en el peso comprendido de 1000-1499 gramos y edad gestacional de 28-32 semanas, la oxigenoterapia es un factor de riesgo muy importante OBJECTIVE: To find out the situation of the retinopathy in children with birthweight under 1750 grams or born with less than 35 weeks in Havana province. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study of all the low birthweight children in Havana province, who were born from January from 2004 to December of 2008, was made. A total number of 1847 low weighted children was obtained. The study protocol included those children who were born weighing less than 1750 grams or whose gestational age was lower than 35 weeks; their risk factors were taken into consideration. The deceased children in this period were excluded. RESULTS: The incidence was 15.3 percent based on the ophthalmologic exam. It was higher in the grade III, in the 1000-1499 gram range of weight and in the age 28-32 wk gestational age. In the studied children, the highest percentage had received oxygen therapy except for two cases. CONCLUSION: Despite the low incidence of retinopathy of prematurity, this disorder is severe in grade III, in the 1000-1499 gram weight and the 28-32 week gestational age; the oxygen therapy is a very important risk factor
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