Drivers and deterrents of music streaming services purchase intention

Generalised access to online content, with no transfer of ownership, revolutionised consumer behaviour. The music industry is a paradigmatic example: physical product sales decreased and even online music stores are increasingly threatened by the rise of on-demand music streaming services (MSS). However, MSS find it difficult to persuade users to opt for the premium version. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess what drives (deters) users' intention to purchase MSS, as well as to examine the role of gender and age. Based on data collected from 318 MSS users, the study shows that both perceived value and perceived fee are significant predictors of MSS purchase intention, with the negative impact of the latter surpassing the positive one of the former, while the moderating effect of age and gender was supported. Our study contributes to a deeper understanding of MSS purchase intention, and offers important insights to MSS providers.
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