Laparoscopic splenectomy in childhood

Abstract The authors describe their technique for laparoscopic splenectomy in childhood. Five ports, including one 12-mm port for an endoscopic stapler, are placed. With the patient in the supine position, the short gastric vessels are divided between clips. The patients is then placed in the lateral decubitus position for mobilization of the splenic flexure of the colon, division of the posterolateral ligamentous attachments, and en masse transection of the splenic hilum using the EndoGIA stapler. The freed spleen is placed in a nylon reinforced Lap Sac, which is exteriorized at the neck. The spleen is morcellated and the sac removed. Concomitant cholecystectomy is performed in patients with hereditary spherocytosis who have cholelithiasis or sludge. The procedure has been performed without complications in six patients who had hematologic disorders. For another patient, the procedure was converted to an open splenectomy to achieve better hemostasis.
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