A simple and reliable procedure for cord blood banking, processing, and freezing: St Louis and Ohio Cord Blood Bank experiences

Background In UC blood banking, volume and RBC reduction of the collected UC blood allows more efficient long-term storage and decreases infusion-related hemolysis and DMSO toxicity. However, high cell yields are imperative. At the St Louis Cord Blood Bank, we have systematically addressed processing/freezing and have developed a simple processing/freezing procedure. Method The methodology is a modification of the hetastarch sedimentation and volume reduction approach of Rubinstein at the New York Placental Blood Program. Cord blood is mixed with a 1:5 v/v ratio of hetastarch. The product is incubated for 45 min in an inverted position in a refrigerated centrifuge (4°C), and then is spun for 5 min at 50 g. RBC concentrate is drained from the bottom. The volume drained is calculated to remove 80% of RBC. The UC blood unit is then resuspended and spun for 13 min at 420 g. Plasma is expressed from the top. Results A final product volume of 27 mL (range 16-58 mL) was obtained from an original 50-200 mL of UC ...
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