Bottom up synthesis of boron-doped graphene for stable intermediate temperature fuel cell electrodes

Abstract The high surface area and electrical conductivity of few-layered graphene would make it an ideal catalyst support and electrode in fuel cells apart from its susceptibility to oxidative corrosion. Here we report the single-step, bottom-up synthesis of oxidation-resistant boron-doped graphene and show its increased stability in the aggressive electrochemical environment of intermediate temperature solid acid fuel cells (SAFCs). Boron was shown to alter the growth mode of single walled carbon nanohorns by laser vaporization to produce high yields of thin ( 140 °C, with large fractions of multilayered B-GLFs surviving 10 °C/min ramps to 1000 °C. These B-GLFs provided a stable Pt catalyst support and electrode over 40 h operation in SAFCs with cesium dihydrogen phosphate electrolyte operating at 250 °C, as opposed to undoped GLFs or SWCNHs which were nearly completely consumed. The facile synthesis and oxidation-resistant properties of boron-doped GLF appear promising for graphene applications in oxidizing environments.
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