La educación intercultural. Infancia, familia y escuela

espanolLa diversidad del alumnado que compone actualmente los centros escolares espanoles requiere una educacion intercultural y multilingue orientada por nuevos modos de pensar, hacer y ejercer la ensenanza. La interculturalidad no es integracion, asimilacion, adaptacion, separacion o marginalizacion, sino que significa respeto, intercambio y aceptacion. Las minorias linguisticas, etnicas o religiosas han tenido con frecuencia que subordinarse a los intereses de las instituciones nacionales, sobre todo de los sistemas educativos y regimenes juridicos basados en la homogeneizacion. Esto ha repercutido negativamente en el rendimiento escolar, ha creado multitud de conflictos en los Centros Escolares y ha impedido la maduracion personal de los alumnos. Es un tema prioritario en investigacion conocer los distintos niveles de interculturalidad alcanzados en los centros y replantear los objetivos, contenidos, programas y los nuevos metodos pedagogicos, porque una educacion intercultural que tome conciencia de la diversidad y sea la respuesta a una escuela inclusiva tiene que basarse en valores humanistas y en una etica cultural y pluralista. En nuestra linea de investigacion hemos revisado las diversas procedencias familiares y culturales del alumnado y su correlacion con la aparicion de conductas y actitudes en la institucion escolar. La investigacion se ha desarrollado en un centro publico de la capital cordobesa(Espana), situado en uno de los focos mas importantes de inmigracion y pone el enfasis en la mencionada correlacion entre cultura familiar y cultura escolar con el fin de generar propuestas de mejora y de intervencion. EnglishThe pupils’ diversity that nowadays belongs to the Spanish school system demands an intercultural and multilingual education directed towards new ways of thinking, doing and teaching practice. Multiculturalism is not integration, assimilation, adaptation, division, marginalization, but it means respect, sharing and acceptance.Linguistic, ethnic and religious minorities have often had to be subordinated to the national institutions interests, mainly of the educational systems and legal regimes based on homogeneity. This has had a negative effect on the pupils’ achievement, it has caused many conflicts in the schools and it has hampered the students’ personal growth.It is a priority in research to understand the different levels of multiculturalism reached in the schools and to reconsider the objectives, contents, syllabus and the new pedagogical methods, because an intercultural education has to become aware of diversity and it has to be an answer to an inclusive school. This intercultural education must be based on humanist values and on a cultural and plural ethics, in which people around the world will live together and will learn to live together. We have continuedanalyzing the different familiar and cultural origins of our pupils and their correlation with the occurrence of behaviour and attitudes in the schools.This research has been developed in a public school of the Cordovan capital (Spain), located in the heart of one of the most important source of immigration and it focuses on the aforementioned correlation between familiar and school culture in order to generate improvement and intervention proposals.
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