Socio-demographic and health-related characteristics associated with awareness of the Long- Term Care Insurance System in Korean older adults

The purpose of the present study was to examine socio?demographic and health?related characteristics associated with awareness of the Long?term care insurance system in Korean older adults. Methods: The survey included items on awareness of the Long?term care insurance system as the dependent variables, and physical activity levels, self?rated health status, awareness of long?term care prevention and demographic variables as the independent variables. Logistic regression analysis revealed that having a higher level of education (OR = 2.60; 95% CI = 1.47 ? 4.53), having higher subjective feelings of health (OR = 0.22; 95% CI = 0.12 ? 0.39), having a higher level of physical activity (OR = 2.78; 95% CI = 1.30 ? 5.73) were associated with the awareness of the Long?term care insurance system. The present study shows that respondents who are aware of the Long?term care insurance system are more likely to have higher subjective feelings of health and higher levels of physical activity. To promote the Longterm care insurance system on future, action plans for the unawareness group is needed. Moreover, formulating strategies in promoting the participation of non?profit group is necessary.
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